Newspaper of the Land of Clones Read the Clone Earth newspaper and always be at the center of the action.

Heading "Inquisitive Minds". To inject or not to inject? That's the question.


I have a small account, the main source of income is the sale of agricultural products. To increase the yield, I consistently release ripples into the fields, but to my great disappointment, it has a limited lifespan. During this difficult time, my ripples died, and due to low prices for agricultural products, recently only amaranth has been grown to feed my clones. I can't afford to sell it at a discount. I couldn’t save money to buy ryaba, but I also didn’t want to destroy the long-established farming scheme, so I decided to externally support my account: pour a little clonero through a banker to buy ripples.

Unexpected and very pleasant was the fact that I was able to buy gold on the same day at a very favorable price, the rate is 1 to 1! Some time ago, like quite recently, the rate was at least 1 to 1.2! This means that the current exchange rate has saved about 20%

And then I thought, should I buy a larger amount of gold to develop an account in order to enter the “livestock” block? I have been looking at him for a long time, but there have always been reasons to postpone these thoughts for later. But with such a rate and prices on the Commodity Exchange, it is simply a sin not to seize the moment for a good breakthrough in development. I decided to start with pig breeding, since it takes less time, and the price of pork is higher than that of beef. But I will definitely count everything again together with my best friend - a calculator and excel!

Since there is a house that needs to be repaired, the prices for tertiary products have to be monitored. In the "before the crisis" time, the cost of tertiary products did not fall below +50% of the nominal value. Now confidently keeps at the level of 5-7%.

Calculations showed that about 25-30 gold can be saved on the construction of the estate. The exchange rate of gold on the Currency Exchange and the cost of tertiary products indicate that now is the time to develop and will save 40-45% of the funds! With the money saved, it will be possible to make philistines to process the fields. Only now I understood the phrase that I read here more than once: "Saved, consider earned!"

In the market in recent days, I see a steady increase in the cost of meat and agricultural products, and tertiary products are no longer redeemed at face value, and this is a sign that the market has begun to grow and we must not miss the time for development, be in time before the price surges.

The result in deciding on the need to invest funds was the study of previous periods of the game. Over 13 years of development, there have been crises and ups, but competent and comprehensively developed accounts survive and even make a profit in any market conditions. The project is a long-liver, so the invested funds will not burn out on the Internet, but will bring profit! But this investment is not even in the account, not in the game, but in my development. Having survived the crisis times in the EC and in real life, you begin to think and act in such a way that you do not live from paycheck to paycheck, but have different sources of income, develop different blocks, so to speak.

I decided to build a farm to reduce the cost of fodder and a couple of estates, and this is just the beginning. I wish you all a good, profitable game!

Sincerely, sharki55

Author: sharki55, Editor: AdelinaL
